Thursday 14 October 2010


Ok, so everyone always gripes at how bad it is to procrastinate, how you'll never get anything done, blah blah blah....

Typically i agree on this, and I'm possibly one of the worst procrastinators (those of you who knew me in college would likely agree on this). But lately, I've been thinking...

Is there a good procrastination?

I personally, think that a bit of procrastination can be good from time to time.
Having moved back to essex and currently not having a job, im finding most of my day filled with helping around the house and being at the computer. Generally, this means playing computer games from the time i get up to the time i go to bed (and im sure that soon i will get back to that, but thats an event for another time)... However, these days my gaming habit seems to be on the back-burner to society...

Lemme explain a bit more - The reason im not sitting playing games right now is because im far too occupied with talking to everyone i can manage to, procrastinating from playing with my little furry... badger... hmmm
And now chatting lots to people from across the world and organising my eventful return to a life that i never quite maintained while i was with my ex

Truth be told, its a little worrying that my new self is reaching back to my past self but im hopeful that this means im getting back to the old me before the events of the last year and a half - maybe a little less slutty though (though maybe not)

But yes, all this strange self discovery doesnt come at a cost though... I'm still being a terribly flirty person which may come back and bite me in the ass before i know it, but i guess i'll have to see what happens, when it happens. Still a bit screwed up over certain things, but i think its gonna slowly get better - Its all about time and healing as they say... im just impatient!

So back to the topic at hand, all of this happening would count as procrastinating from my interest in gaming... so does procrastination like this (with all its benefits built into it) count towards something that is ultimately good? Answers on a postcard please :P

I think that's all for now.... byeeeeeeeeee :)

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